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NJHS Requirements
- Have a cumulative grade point average of 90%, A, or greater in core subjects.
- Must be enrolled in at least one advanced core class
- Have no N’s or U’s in Citizenship.
- Have no Discipline Referrals.
- Have no placement in “ISS” or “PACES”.
- Have regular school attendance (No more than (5) excused absences and no more than (3) unexcused absences.
- From the start of the school year – 1st day of school - for all requirements.
- Volunteer and contribute to the school and to the community without financial or other compensation.
- Be resourceful, dependable problem solvers who are involved in school activities.
- Be students of good character, upholding principles of morality and ethics.
- Demonstrate high standards of honesty and reliability.
- Show courtesy, concern, and respect for others.